To celebrate Jimmy’s 65th birthday in July 1977 officers not on watch gathered in the cinema for this presentation.
Back Row from Left to right:
Dave Arnold, Dave Tyler 3rd Electrician, Alastair May, Derek Mason 2nd Purser, John Meehan, Andy Whitehouse, Angie Read Junior Purser, Annie Lewis, Ian Ross Extra 2nd Officer, Capt Patrick Beadon Master, Annie Raho Nursing Sister, Mrs Beadon, Eric Turner, Dave Roberts 4th Officer, John Hogg Physiotherapist, Arthur Wigham Staff Commander, Margot Roberts, Jack Towler Chief Electrician, Peter Glenn Professional Dancer, Stan Harron Chief Engineer, Mike Hill
Middle Row:
Robbie Rutt Cruise Purser, Jimmy Skene Band Leader, John Stanley
Front Row:
Charlie Murray, Peter Brown Chief Officer, Nigel Nussey 2nd Purser Catering, Dave Padmore Purser Catering, Keith Underwood Purser, Mike Fletcher 3rd Purser, Chris Hobson 3rd Purser Catering, Jeannie Bonner Children’s Hostess, Eric & Jack Musicians
On Left:
Arthur & Keith Officer’s Stewards, Unknown band member