Robertson Fyffe Gibb began his career with the Union Line in 1883 as a boy of fifteen. When competition between the Union and Castle lines was at its peak Gibb was put in charge of trying to attract more passengers.
He also in the nineties ran an 'in house magazine', 'The Union Line Gazette'.
He captained the Union Line cricket team against the Castle Line.
In 1911 Mr. R.F. Gibb was made manager of the Southampton office, after the take over of the Company by Sir Owen Phillips (later Lord Kylsant) in 1912 he was brought back as manager of the London office with Mr. Hunt.
After steady advancement leading to the Board Room Mr. Gibb in June 1932 became Chairman of the Union-Castle Line.
However very soon the financial difficulties of Lord Kylsant's Royal Mail Group started to become obvious and Union-Castle was in deep financial trouble.
With Sir Vernon Thompson, brought into the Company for his financial expertise and shipping knowledge over the following years the Company was steered through the complicated dismantling of Kylsant's empire.
After fifty-five years service Mr. Gibb retired in April 1939, he continued as a Director until his death in 1944.
Robertson Fyffe Gibb RNR
1868 - 1944