Gareth Raw-Rees

From Borth Maritime History

Gareth Raw-Rees was the son of army veteran Captain Raw-Rees. The family lived, as some of the descendants still do, at Brynbwl Farm, Borth.

At the outbreak of the Second World War, Gareth was in the Merchant Navy serving on the King David as cabin boy. It was to be a round the world voyage, first to Murmansk and then to South America.

Gareth was always susceptible to boils as a child and whilst at Murmansk developed a severe boil in his ear, which meant he had to be operated on there and then by a local Russian doctor. After this event he was deemed unfit for further service as he had become deaf. Eventually he recovered from the operation and never suffered boils again, despite continuing hearing problems. Unbeknownst to the crew of his ship war had been declared, and after leaving Russian waters a message got through instructing the King David to return to London where he was discharged for the rest of the war.

Gareth prospered as an agricultural entrepreneur, and held many important posts, including that of the High Sheriff of Cardiganshire.

Gareth’s younger brother, Thomas Kinsey Raw-Rees 1931-2000, went as a purser on the Oriana in 1950, which was commanded by his uncle Captain R. W. Roberts of Borth. He went on several voyages to the Antipodes. He returned to farm Brynbwl and contributed to the local community holding various posts with the County Council.


Service Record



King David

Cabin Boy


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