Joined in 1962 and left in 1968

Email sent 21 April 2014

I see that we sailed together for one voyage on Clan Grant in 1965. You will find us in the crew list here: 1965 - Aug

Strangely enough I sailed on all of the ships that you were on, Constance Bowater I was cadet in 1966 and Good Hope Castle I was 2nd Officer in 1973.

I remember that there were two engineer cadets on Clan Grant, One of you had long hair and was a rival to me for the ship's table tennis crown.

It's funny how the memory kicks in when reminded.



Reply 21 April 2014

Hello Chris,

If you were tall with dark hair I remember cutting it. India doesn't hold too many good memories. 17 years old in  Chittagong, lost in the pouring rain, walking past people sleeping on windowledges - probably  a good life experience though. I do recall an Irish cadet leaving the ship and arranging with his father to take the other cadets out when we docked in Belfast - he took us to Ballygally Castle I think ?

Best ship was Constance Bowater - playing Sgt. Pepper over the tannoy to assembled throng lining the canal locks stands out. Have a nice model of her in my conservatory with some old B and C Mags etc.

By coincidence I am flying to Chicago on 4 May - last there in 67 - then train to Memphis and New Orleans.

So won't be able to make the reunion on 11 May.

Joining Good Hope Castle was a nasty culture shock after Bowaters - double shifts on the SA coast didn't help - so left, married and studied B.Sc at Strathcyde Uni. - Glasgow again. Did have an excellent party in Cape Town on my 21st birthday - a couple of years ago I took my wife to the quay where I rang long distance on the day - her birthdate being the same as mine.

Now live near Guildford

Ps  have just seen your latest memory - my japanese pencil grip still fools people to this day - was there a swimming pool just outside the games room ?

Service Record



Clan Grant

Eng Cadet



Constance Bowater

5th Engineer



Good Hope Castle

5th Engineer



Richard Fernie

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