From the General Botha Old Boys Association Muster List

Cadet with B & C, King, Bullard King, (on the old ‘King Robert’ tramping) Springbok thence Safmarine.

After 2nd Mates various. S.A. vessels including .reefer and 2/o-3/o on the RSA to the ice. Obtained Mates then assorted. vessels amongst which S. African (S.A. Huguenot building and maiden voyage from Japan). Portuguese (C/o on ‘Capitao Abreu’), Norwegian (including.AB on tanker’Widan’, 3/o with Karlanders in South Pacific Isles). Australian (with Colonial Sugar), Hong Kong (C/o on the ‘San Roberto’ tramping with Manners Navigation.)

1970 wrote Master’s Foreign Going hence a contract on the ‘LM Gemsbok of Land and Marine as Mate. 1971 Sailed on first Cape to Rio yacht race on ‘Howard Davis in company of several old boys, sailing on two subsequent South. Atlantic yacht races thereafter.

The following eight years with Leo Raphaely Group firstly as Master of the reefer ‘Judith R’ and subsequently as Marine Superintendent/Supercargo/Surveyor/Agent dealing with and sailing on owned and chartered vessels operating worldwide.

Service Record



Gen Botha

Training School



Clan MacIntyre








King Robert





2 October 2019

The late 1970’s saw me sign the dotted line whilst on a hitch-hiking trip to Rhodesia during their bush war, regular army. Engineer’s Boat Squadron, Kariba and Zambezi including operations in the bush and externals returning after Independence in 1980.

Back to sea on the ‘Perla Frio’ then two years Master of the ‘Atlantic Isle (passenger/cargo South .Atlantic isles, West Africa, C.T.) 1983-1989 Marine. Superintendent and Master Kuttel Group including. delivery ‘Brazilia’ to China and others.

Next fifteen years contract work mostly as Master assorted vessels worldwide including general cargo/tugs/supply vessels, /hydrographical survey/reefer including many deliveries, particularly fishing vessels. This included. a period 1993-1994 with Spanfreight Mombasa as Master their Aventure and Acor running mostly WFP cargoes to Somalia coming under mortar attack in Mogadishu once, and an unusual treasure hunting trip to the Seychelles as Master of the tug ‘Argo Cape’ (Unsuccessful!)

2004-2006 two years with Smit Salvage and 2007 have now completed a contract as Master of the Svitzerwijsmuller tug ‘Battleaxe’ in Angola.

Am still sea-going doing contract work when not mountain climbing.

2011 retired.

Brian McCarthy Georgeson

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