From the "General Botha"  Old Boys association web site:

DYKE GLENDENNING BRUCE       1948/49       1548

After G.B. did his apprenticeship with Bullard King. Later sailed with Andrew Weir (Bank Line) and African Coasters. Resigned from African Coasters in 1961 after serving as Master on the S.S. Border and the S.S. Barrier. He then joined S.A.R.& H (Harbour Service) and retired from there in 1991 after serving as Assistant Port Captain.

Service Record






Memories of Bruce

Owen Keen

I knew Glen very well and had a high regard for him, although when it came to ship handling Glen would be the first to tell you he was a disaster!   Very intelligent he spent whatever free time he had studying for his Extra Masters, if he eventually gained his Extra's it must have been for good attendance, he'd sat it so often.

I first got to know Glen when, as mate of the bucket dredger "Silurus" I would watch him bring the hopper "Rockwell" alongside us.   It was always entertaining!

After the "Rockwell" Glen was promoted to relief tug-master, it became all to obvious that tug handling would not be one of Glen's achievements.   

Sanctuary was just around the corner when, in his wisdom 'Sniffy' McKinnon the Port Captain decided to open a school for the European deck hands.   Just up Glen's street, he started it up in an old shed and ran it as his own 'fiefdom' very successfully.

Bruce Glendenning Dyke

Gen Botha Training School Bullard King
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