Over the years a great number of postcards were produced of nearly all of the fleets. With the usual Union-Castle eye for economy it was not uncommon for one photograph to be used for sister ships I.e Kenya, Braemar and Rhodesia Castles.
Not only was there the standard company issue card but many independent cards were also published.
Occasionally cards were produced to commemorate special events such as those on this page.
The departure from Cape Town of a fleet of six vessels under
Royal Naval escort in 1914
Passengers embarking in Southampton
Union-Castle Head Office marking the passing of King Edward VII in 1910
Deck Billiards
Are You There ?
Cigarette & Necktie Race
Concert on Deck
Palm Trees - Madeira
Waterfall - Madeira
Slinging the Monkey
Potato Race
Four Palms - Santa Cruz
Adderley Street - Cape Town
A booklet was published that was available for passenger to purchase containing a number of postcards depicted places or events of interest during a voyage with the company