Message received 18 Sep 2015
Can you add me to the B&C list.
I was fortunate to be 4th Officer on the SA Vaal in 1971 (left in April 1972).
Robert Lord was ahead of me and I was relieved by Roger Pawley (already on the system)
I was seconded by Safmarine to UC. Sailed on Reefer vessesls, General Cargo, Cable Restorer (Cable Vessel) and the Saf Salvage Tug Wolraad Woltemade.
Obtained Master Certificate in 1978 and joined the lecturing staff at SAMNA General Botha (Cape Town) before voluntary retirement in 1989.
Since then I have trained students in Electronic Navigatiion Systems, Vessel Traffic Services and Coastal Surveillance in many countries including South Africa, Vietnam, Estonia, Portugalm Bulgaeia, Madagascar and have also designed a Radar Navigation Simulator that is used extensively in South Africa (15 installations currently operational).
Trying to retire.
Service Record
SA Vaal
SA Vaal
4th Officer