Mail Service

Good Hope Castle

Left Southampton

7 July

For South Africa

S.A. Oranje

Left Southampton

14 July

For South Africa

Windsor Castle

Left Southampton

21 July

For South Africa

Southampton Castle

Left Southampton

28 July

For South Africa


D Sowden

J Smythe

A Hort

C Mavitty

Staff Commander

R Royan

R Olden

Chief Officer

A MacIntyre

E Talbot

K Barry

E Paul

Second Officer

A White

R Smith

J Kemp

J Hancock

Extra Second Officer

V Swan

P Le Caer

J Jones

E Bremner

Third Officer

P Lawrence

C Green

J Wignall

J Pitman

Fourth Officer

A Fussell

D McWilliam


P Masters

T Dubicki

M Worth

W Broadley

I Osborne

T Badelka

C Bagwell

T Blake

P Rogers

N Middlehurst


T Buckland

H Hale

F Tizard

O Griffiths


A Weaver

E Wheeler

W Taylor

L Walker


H Hoye

C Wroe

R Carson

H Clarke

First Radio Officer

P Goddard

G Kilmister

R Hough

W McIntosh

Second Radio Officer

W Eckersley

J Walker

Third Radio Officer

R Beech

D White

Fourth Radio Officer

J Turbefield

R Wilson


E Harley

J Clarke

Nursing Sister

Miss C Richards

Miss P Day


C Nowacki

Chief Engineer

R Gemmell

R Crook

E Tuck

A MacIntyre

First Engineer

P Marett

W Maitland

R Brown

J Fraser

Second Engineer

J Hill

S Mason

J Murphy

R Phillips

Int Second Engineer

H McLeod

W Smith

Jnr Second Engineer

J Crutwell

A Rose

G Blakey

D Fraser

D Cox

M Allan

S Gordon

F Balshaw

D Cadenhead

J McCormac

Snr Third Engineer

D Hunt

T Martin

Int Third Engineer

B Maynard

H Armstrong

Jnr Third Engineer

D Jones

T Brown

Snr Fourth Engineer

P Wood

B Williams

Jnr Fourth Engineer

R Douglas

G Burbidge

Junior Engineer

A Pretorius

R Hinchcliffe

J Linton

M Yeomans

R Hayman

D Smith

B Low

A Hickman

P Lamb

R Stabler

A Thomson

D McEveley

M Carey

A Baker

Engineer Cadets

P Willis

G Campbell

Chief Frig Engineer

E Tulip

D Laycock

W Forde

L Block

Second Frig Engineer

W Trevett

N Quincey

Third Frig Engineer

A Turnbull

First Electrician

C Crowe

S McLean

H Gregson

B Hamilton

Second Electrician

R Hughes

D Robinson

T Philps

L Lomax

Third Electrician

D McGinley

L Watson

Fourth Electrician

S Gair

ER Storekeeper

F Robinson

A Jarman

E Wallace

F Taylor

ER Leading Hand

H Spicer

C Benson

Chief Purser

R Reeves

J Dimmock


A Connelly

O Parry-Williams

Purser Catering Officer

F McKiernan

H Haggis

Purser Catering

G McGowan

A Jenner

Second Purser

J McFadyen

D MacMillan

Second Purser Catering

R Welland

J Baynes-Reid

W MacMillan

D Padmore

Third Purser Catering

W Fleetwood

N Paterson

Asst Pursers

M Jones

S Richardson

Miss A Palmer

D Mason

J Hughes

P Barkley

Purser’s Clerks

N Nussey

Miss S Clark

P Hoffman

M Lukas

Miss P Fellows

Miss Litchfield

Jnr Purser Catering

D Howden

A Woodgate


Miss C Cordwell-Green

Miss M Hamilton

Children’s Hostess

Miss C Davis

Miss G Rees

Chief Barman

P Spanner

L Farrow


J Glintenkamp

A Rawlings

Linen Steward

C Handley

L Parker

Head Waiter (1st Class)

K MacKay

W Miller

First Tourist Steward

L Jenner

C Lawrence

Head Waiter (Tourist Class)

T Baker

W Eady

Band Leader

C Mullineux

J Skene


W Cronin

R Humphries


A Dawson

C Alves

H Laight

F Smith


J Leslie

J Wood


L Nicholson

H Shearman


K Hann

R Randall

W Morgans

J Meehan


Miss M McKeogh

Cruise Service

Reina Del Mar

Left Southampton

13 July

For Hamburg, Copenhagen, Leningrad and Bergen

Reina Del Mar

Left Southampton

29 July



J James

J James

Chief Officer

T Geesin

T Geesin

Second Officer

D Cox

I Cameron

Extra Second Officer

A McCutcheon

A McCutcheon

Third Officer

M Warner

M Warner

Fourth Officer

P Roy

R Kirkpatrick


J Love


T Collett


L Langley

R Atkins

G Miles

First Radio Officer

S Harden

S Harden

Second Radio Officer

F Sharp

Third Radio Officer

W Scobie

Fourth Radio Officer

J Foley


M MacNamara

M MacNamara

Nursing Sister

Miss P Brocklehurst

Miss M Thomson

Chief Engineer

R Brown

R Brown

First Engineer

J Deighton

J Deighton

Second Engineer

A Simms

A Simms

Int Second Engineer

T Burden

T Burden

Jnr Second Engineer

S Morrison

S Morrison

Snr Third Engineer

T Luker

C Lewis

Int Third Engineer

R Preston

Jnr Third Engineer

R Cousins

Snr Fourth Engineer

E Francis

Jnr Fourth Engineer

F Cook

Junior Engineers

M Stevenson

Chief Frig Engineer

A Keith

First Electrician

H Windsor

Second Electrician

J Lynch

Third Electrician

R Barton

Fourth Electrician

A Temple

ER Storekeeper

J Broadwell

ER Leading Hand

G Walcroft


M Dyer

M Dyer

Cruise Purser

M Mears

R Rutt

Chief Catering Officer

A Harrop

A Harrop

Second Purser

M Mears

Asst Pursers

Miss B Burden

D Elliott

R Blake

I Fisher

Miss M Parry

Second Catering Officer

G Finch

G Finch

Third Catering Officer

J Lee

A Quarrie

Purser’s Clerks

Miss S Brown

R Warren


Miss P Tricklebank

Miss P Tricklebank

Children’s Hostess

Miss M Ginnity

Chief Barman

P Beech


D Miskin

Linen Steward

B Fitchett

First Steward

R Chillery

Head Waiters

F Mortara

G Davies


J Shearer


S Wing


T Willis

Baker and Confectioner

N Hailstone


L Newman


D Richards

H Bean

U-C Cargo Service

Tantallon Castle

Left Genoa

7 July

For S & E Africa

Rothesay Castle

Left London

11 July

For Ascension & S Africa

Kinpurnie Castle

Left London

21 July

For S & E Africa

Rustenburg Castle

Left Southampton

31 July

For South Africa


S Williams

W Anson

H Lockyer

E Martyn

Chief Officer

G Brice

J Hobkirk

D Burgoyne

K Bennett

Second Officer

J Weston

D Sinclair

R Day

D Linehan

Third Officer

J McLaren

A Ching

M Chaka

J Cotton

Radio Officer

R Davies

P Heald

J Pedre

W McLean


B Yaxley

W Good

E Krause

E Salin


P Cane

C Parker

M Sithole

R Gibb

Chief Engineer

T Gallagher

A Russell

J Smith

B Rice

Second Engineer

C Ferreira

D Hollingsworth

R McCulloch

V Stoodley

Jnr Second Engineer

T Holmes

R Carrington

W Ritchie

G Spurr

Third Engineer

K Richardson

F Belcher

J Watt

R Fountain

Fourth Engineer

R Cockburn

F Burke

W Johnson

D Butterworth

J Van Niekerk (Extra)

Junior Engineer

A Wilson

W Tonge

D Baillie

T Maher

K Reitze

K Bromage

J Dinsdale

G Taylor

G Wallwork

Engineer Cadets

J Mfere

R Pannell

Chief Frig Engineer

R Barnett

J Wade

Second Frig Engineer

J Gorrie

Third Frig Engineer

B Tedds


R McLeod

M Mann

A Roberts

K Beale

Jnr Electrician

J Swan

ER Storekeeper

T Gallagher

A Castleman

D Jwilli

C Sheath

Purser Catering Officer

C Gatehouse

G Hendricks

J Foley

G Nash

Clan Ranald

Left London

4 July

For S & E Africa

Clan Ross

Left Liverpool

6 July

For S & E Africa

Clan MacDougall

Left Liverpool

20 July

For S & E Africa


H Dryden

W Rodger

R Wise

Chief Officer

J Wilcock

E Owen

M MacMillan

Second Officer

D Morrison

P Brown

J Simpson

Third Officer

T Ammari

R Webb

R Duthie


G Menzies

R Crook

R Morrison

A Kirby

N Howarth

D Petty

Radio Officer

G Martyn

D Withers

C Pratt


A May

L Bryan

J McIlkenny

Asst Carpenter

W Addelsee


F Kuzwayo

B Chamane

Nawab Ali

Chief Engineer

T Reay

J Bunney

M Smith

Second Engineer

S Robson

A Phillpot

B Gillott

Jnr Second Engineer

B Cory

D Gouldie

I Petrie

Third Engineer

T Skeates

D Batchelor

T Ryan

Jnr Third Engineer

B Akkerman

Fourth Engineer

J Fallon

T Roberts

F Graham

Jnr Fourth Engineer

N Zepka

Junior Engineer

W Lauchlan

B Nessling

J Matthews

A Killick

D Lappin

Engineer Cadets

A Kunghalo

J Doogan

P Ireland

Chief Frig Engineer

P Yuile

A Moody

J Harrison

Second Frig Engineer

G Du Toit

Third Frig Engineer

I McArthur


R Turriff

M Boyland

T Higginson

Second Electrician

P Wright


E Shange

M Luthuli

Faiz Ali

Purser Catering Officer

K McGinty

M Warner

C James

Asst PCO

J Clinton

Clan Matheson

Left Liverpool

26 July

For India & Ceylon

Clan Finlay

Left Liverpool

28 July

For S & E Africa

Clan MacLachlan

Left Genoa

30 July

For S & E Africa

Clan MacNair

Left Liverpool

31 July

For Australia


J Smith

A Bonney

G Rowland

C Atkinson

Chief Officer

R Simmons

E Harvey

J Jeffrey

R Reid

Second Officer

P McArthur

R Allen

F Croning

R Ward

Third Officer

A Stokes

E Hanks

I Browne

R Lenthall


G Maxwell

D Walton

P Mauger

I Hey

I Donaldson

D Oriatto

D King

Radio Officer

M Welbourne

C Ritchie

R Ingram

M MacDonald


T George

A O’Donnell

M Hutcheson

C Murphy


S Hamizuddin

K Chowdhury

Noor Mahammed

Ansar Ali

Chief Engineer

L Brown

J Charge

R Marshall

J Sanders

Second Engineer

P O’Shea

A Ford

J Goldsmith

J Cross

Jnr Second Engineer

J McGuigan

J McMullen

R Crowe

H Brown

Third Engineer

D Parlone

L Berry

P Mantle

P Kirtikar

Fourth Engineer

R Rickman

J Whittaker

J Noble

K Hinton

Junior Engineer

A Floyd

A Farrington

D Robson

J Hagan

P Bint

D Hopkins

B Ellis

A Jones

Engineer Cadets

R Foster

G Harris

J Tickner

M Walton

J Bradley

R Dunkerley

R Latham


D Graham

T Jennings

F O’Hare


S Biswas

M Sen

Osman Ullah

Hassone Ali

Purser Catering Officer

J Waring

J Godwin

B Bryant

G Chadwick

Asst PCO

R Deane

Margaret Bowater

Left Ellesmere Port

17 July

For Holmsund

Nicolas Bowater

Left Glasgow

22 July

For Cornerbrook

Gladys Bowater

Left Ellesmere Port

22 July

For Charleston

Alice Bowater

Left Ellesmere Port

31 July

For Risor


P Kent

P St Q Beadon

D Richards

E Besley

Chief Officer

L Bartrip

D Morris

D Grant

J Buttress

Second Officer

P Dathan

A Rapkin

J Howell

C Batchelor

Third Officer

P Pears

C Walford

W Ferrier

M Newlands


J Clegg

J Cottrell

S Hughes

N Baldwin

I Herbert

G Potts

S Ransome

L Roberts

Radio Officer

S Wright

J Sanderson

V Bracegirdle

F Anderson


J Barnes

R Barrington

M Pottinger

A Campbell


E Callaghan

A Goodey

Chief Engineer

H Aitken

T Hilton

E Cottingham

R MacDonald

Second Engineer

J Steele

M Moore

K McBurnie

M Minnis

Third Engineer

J Edmonds

H Robson

A du Toit

D Tranter

Fourth Engineer

A Johnston

C Small

B Yeo

J Masson

Junior Engineer

W Curry

W Smith

H Davies

A Barnwell

M Weaver


T Robson

D Livesey

P Dennis

Second Electrician

B Skyner


T Andrews

M Conway

A McGill

E Chalkley

Purser Catering Officer

O Kelly

W Parr

H Cryer

R Hinton

Delivery Voyage

Rhodesia Castle

Left River Blackwater

16 July

For Taiwan via Bombay


D Rees

Chief Officer

R Patterson

Second Officer

T Wilson

Third Officer

C N Isaac

Radio Officer

C Fogden


R Hill


N Lennon

Chief Engineer

F Benham

Second Engineer

A Rogers

Int Second Engineer

A Ritchie

Jnr Second Engineer

K Standen

W Griffiths

Snr Third Engineer

G Kirsten

Int Third Engineer

W Black

J Anderson

Snr Fourth Engineer

R Wright

Junior Engineers

B Mayston

First Electrician

R Coombes


D Gilbert

Clan Line

King Malcolm

Left Liverpool

12 July

For E Africa


J Chapple

Chief Officer

C Hoskins

Second Officer

S Ivey

Third Officer

K Bateman

Radio Officer

A Kennedy


W Good


D Ellis

Chief Engineer

J Brown

Second Engineer

B McNaughton

Third Engineer

K Holding

Junior Engineer

D Burke

P Owen

Engineer Cadets

A Okelo


D Capel

Purser Catering Officer

B Atkinson

Elbe Ore

Left Rotterdam

6 July

For Tubarao


G Russ

Chief Officer

M Whiteley

Second Officer

W Codrington

Third Officer

E Drylie


A Slater

Radio Officer

D King


E Hall


Eusuph Ahmed

Chief Engineer

L German

Second Engineer

M McDougall

Jnr Second Engineer

J Smillie

Third Engineer

J Whitehead


J Anderson

Second Electrician

W Street


Nimbar Ali

Purser Catering Officer

P McCormick

Scottish Tankers

Bowater Steamships

Union-Castle / Safmarine

Union-Castle Line

U-C Cargo Service

Kinnaird Castle

Left Liverpool

12 July

For S & E Africa


M Ure

Chief Officer

O Ross

Cadet Training Officer

R Flint

Second Officer

N Forster

Third Officer

I Berry


N Burley

R Thomas

T Tye

P Silver

K MacLeod

R Stewart

A Smith

A Davidson

A Harding

J Barton

G Thomson

Radio Officer

G Emmett


D McPhail


M Zungu

Chief Engineer

A McLean

Second Engineer

F Rae

Jnr Second Engineer

C Johnston

Third Engineer

M Ritchie

Fourth Engineer

T Dunlop

Junior Engineer

B Ingram

B Johnson


R Smith

ER Storekeeper

F Mzobe

Purser Catering Officer

C Fowler

1967 - July

King Line

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