Peter Duckers, email 10.08.09

Lieut. Commander Arthur Leslie Parkinson RD

Mercantile Marine and Royal Naval Reserve, 1898 - 1920

Born in Collingham, Yorks, on 3rd June 1880.

Father variously a Land Agent and Auctioneer.

Joined the Mercantile Martine service and served at 2nd Officer aboard the Manhattan (Atlantic Steamship Company) during the Boer War (1899-1902) earning the Transport Medal with South Africa clasp. The ship ferried general stores from Britain to Capetown.

Service Record




Jnr Officer


Garth Castle

Jnr Officer







26 May 1960

Capt Arthur L Parkinson


Midshipman RNR          10. 10. 1898

1st Cl. Gunnery Cert.        June 1906

2nd Cl. Torpdo cert          Aug.  1906

Sub. Lieut. RNR           05. 12. 1906

Lieut. RNR                   11. 09. 1907

Lt. Commander RNR    11. 09. 1915

Training on HMS Prince George           02. 03. 09 to 08. 03. 1909          

May 10th 1911                                       2nd or 3rd Mate  served on Galician       for Cape Town

Aug. 17th 1911                                     2nd or 3rd Mate served on Garth Castle

Training on HMS Hampshire                 21. 10. 11 to 03. 11. 1911

Nov. 8th 1911                                        2nd or 3rd Mate served on Garth Castle for Cape Town

Did 12 mths sea-training on New Zealand.

Served as 2nd Mate of vessels of the Union Castle Line 1911-1914

During WW1, was posted to HMS Hyacinth (Cape Station) on 4th Aug. 1914 and immediately posted as Lt. Commander in command of Torpedo Boat (TB) 060.

Appointed to command HMS Salmander on 12th July 1916.

Salamander was a converted steam whaler, formerly the Krabben.

Served with the East Africa squadron as part of the escort to the monitors Severn and Mersey and took part in operations along the East African coast (e.g. occupation of Tanga); was also used as a minesweeper in these operations.

To Afrikander (naval base, Cape Town) on 27th May 1918.

Gunnery School Excellent, 15th Oct. 1918 : 2nd Cl. Gunnery Cert. Jan. 1919.

Demobilised 15th Jan. 1918.

Retired from RNR 25th Nov. 1922.

Awarded 1914-15 Star, British War Medal and Victory medal for WW1 service

Awarded Royal Naval Reserve Decoration (RD) in 1920.

Master of the Union Castle Line Ipu, July 1919.

After the war, self-employed as a Nurseryman in the St. John’s Nursery, Polegate, Sussex.

Played golf at competition Willingdon.

Lived at The Bungalow, 41, St. John’s Rd., Polegate.   Died at that address, 26th May 1960.

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