From John Goulden, 5th. July 2007

Help. I am researching my family tree and in particular my mothers side. My Grandfather John James Harty was a seaman and connected with the sea for all of his life. He ended up as harbour master at Ramsgate, Kent.

In August 1921 John signed up for a voyage from London to Beira and during the voyage he rescued a passenger. E.W Day was the Commander and I am in possession of a printed certificate that states, "Presented to J Harty by the passengers on board S S Gloucester Castle in recognition of the efficient manner in which rescue of a passenger was effected on September 5th 1921".

I also have photographs of the presentation and my grandfather with some of the crew.

I have managed to obtain a copy of the crew agreement from the archives in Newfoundland but the log book eludes me. I am told by the archives at Greenwich that it may have been one of those destroyed and that my best hope would be to look at the minutes of the Board of Directors and see if this was mentioned.

Any more ideas? If you would like copies of anything I have I would be only to willing to supply it to you


John Goulden

John James Harty

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