Owen Keen
Ian was very proud to have been with Bullard & King Line, a company he (and others from B & K) considered a company several leagues above Union-Castle!
From Bullard & King Ian went to the East African Lakes Service (I believe via the Nile service) and was with them until their demise.
Joining the South African Harbour Service in Durban, Ian when I knew him was mate of the tug "J.R. More" when Reg Morton the 'Shepherd of the Seas' was master.
From tug master Ian was promoted to pilot, something of a surprise as he had a bad stutter, however he seems to have overcome this.
Sadly Ian died suddenly of a heart attack whilst still in service.
Ian lived in Westville, took great pride in his building capabilities, he was a 'thoroughly nice bloke'
Memories of Ian